This is for ScienceWoo. The air is examined before combustion. Candle Burning Experiment Activity Education Com Science Experiments Kids Science Experiments Experiments Candle wax or paraffin is made up of a chain of carbon atoms surrounded by hydrogen atoms. . In this experiment students observe as the teacher burns a solid hydrocarbon in the form of a tea light or candle using a pump to divert the gaseous combustion products. REQUIREMENTS- Candle Kitchen Lighter A spoon WHAT TO DO- Light the candle and hold the blade of the spoon at the centre of the flame for a. A candle flame is explained using simple experiments. Through a series of experiments the combustion of a candle is explained. The heat evaporates at the top of the flame. Science Experiments on Combustion Candle Experiment burning paper using Sun Lens are explained in this videoFuel is needed for combustionOxygen is neede. The flame heats the w